We are a family owned & operated business, established in 1999. We believe there is a better way for people to drink pure water than having to rely on plastics or cheap filters that only affect taste & smell.
Traditional water delivery hasn't changed since Egyptians carried big heavy clay jugs from the Nile. Fast forward to the present day and the only change is that modern water delivery wastes fuel, energy & money having water packaged & trucked to us in plastic jugs; destroying the environment and our health.
Tap water is no alternative to pure water, with the amounts of chlorine, heavy metals, unregulated pesticides, pharmaceuticals, and the interactions that occur between these compounds to create dangerous mixtures.
Most people don't even know what's in their tap water - has your city ever sent you a full report they do each quarter on what's in your water? There is a reason they don't.
Did you know Canada doesn't have legally enforceable laws on it's tap water quality, and the voluntary guidelines Canada provides must be balanced between agricultural application and home use? Only 5%-20% of water is used for humans - this means there are more regulations in regards to the water being used for watering your lawn than there are protecting you.
When the Mt. Polley Mine Disaster occured in 2014, the contaminated water that leached from the mine site actually met Canada's regulations for drinking water...we think you deserve better.
We're a company focused on eliminating everything wrong with the water industry. And there's a lot wrong with it.
By switching to us, you eliminate the need for:
the production of plastic jugs which involves oil drilling, extraction & refining
transportation of empty jugs in oversize, gas guzzling delivery trucks
massive energy consumption to pump & filter water in order to fill thousands of jugs every month
energy & coolant for chilling & storing costs
huge quantities of gasoline & diesel used by water delivery trucks
cleaning & re-using of jugs (they're re-used up to 40 times before being discarded.) Since they are #7 'OTHER' plastics, they often cannot be recycled.