There's Aluminum In Your Water; & Health Canada Puts It There
When you ask someone what they think is in their water, the most common response is "Calcium, iron, chlorine." - They tend to miss...

Chemicals Sprayed In BC By Big Business & Government
A local First Nations published this study a few years ago. To our knowledge, it is the only available report on what is sprayed in the...

Trudeau Excludes B.C. First Nations From Clean Water Promises
Read the article here: Aboriginal Peoples Television Network. Our opinion: We've worked on 32 First Nations across BC, and this is...

Chemical Found In Plastic Water Bottles, More Influential Than Temperature In Determining Sex [Gende
Article: http://www.futurity.org/bpa-turtle-reproduction-899802/ "We call them 'Canaries in the water'.... Almost all water sources...
There Are Drugs In Our Drinking Water, New Study Says [Health Canada]
Though concentrations are low for any one drug, no studies have been done on the accumulative effect of human exposure to all these drugs...

Mosquito Control 'Malathion' Sprayed By Canadian Government 'probably carcinogenic to hu
Our certified Reverse Osmosis are designed to remove organophosphates such as malathion & glyphosate, among many other dangerous...

Are Allergies Caused By Tap Water?
It's routine for us to hear how symptoms of chronic diseases seem to magically alleviate once someone begins drinking pure water. Eczema,...

Are you drinking other people's urine? And their medications?
Fortunately, urine (urea) is filtered by most treatment facilities in Canada. The unfortunate news is that the chemical cocktail of...

Mine tailings water 'very close' to drinking quality, company says
I have to comment on this one.... ""It's very close to drinking water quality, the water in our tailings," says Imperial Metals...

Canadians Have No Legal Right To Clean Water
In 11 years in the water treatment industry, I have never met a single person who knew that Canadians have no right to clean drinking...